Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hot hot hot....

It's basically too hot to live. The girls are totally lethargic. Nights are an issue - we have the "big" AC, but at night we turn on a small window unit that's pretty much just inches from the foot on the bed on my side. As soon as one of us says something remotely like, "are you ready for bed?" or "I'm going to bed" Ruby immediately gets up and heads down the hallway, and yes, you guessed it, climbs up to lay RIGHT IN FRONT of the little AC. Within minutes Daisy is up there as well. Loretta and Rosalita typically wait until I come to bed (Tony is almost always in bed first as he's up so early) - but then they climb up there, too. That's roughly 300 pounds of dog (and me!) vying for the AC.

So, I found a recipe online for deer repellent. I'm going to try it this weekend and I'll let y'all know.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Okay, nobody drop dead now...

But I've updated/retooled the "real" home page - It of course still needs some tinkering - good GRIEF this stuff is hard to get just right - but there are pretty pretty pictures to entice y'all.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ummm....did I promise pictures?

No, wasn't me! LOL

I DID get the camera out, at least. Y'all just can't believe how focused I've been on making beads. June is very busy for me anyway - a conference next weekend (assessment - ugh), then I'm taking a class from Kristina Logan - whose beads I've LONG admired - the last weekend in June. Then it's the 4th of July weekend, then - EEK! - it's Trunk Show weekend!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Checking in...

Still no pictures. But, I left work early today (we're actually able to take some flex time over the summer - woo hoo! - Friday afternoons off!), and I'm hoping to at least get out in the garden for a few pictures this afternoon. The Texas Star has starting blooming in a big way - FINALLY. Actually, everything's pretty much in bloom, but we had drive-by deer a couple of nights ago (argh! with 5 dogs you'd think they'd pass our place by!) and the tops are gone off of everything. Even the jalepeno peppers. Hope they felt that one after-the-fact, so to speak.

I made a couple pair of cute cute earrings earlier this week - hope to get those photographed, too.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Driving by....

No pictures or nothing.

Very busy weekend. Lots of beads made, probably 6 or so bluebonnets. I also made quite a few earring sets. Now all I have to do is make earrings! LOL

Theresa said she'd help me, but she's gone for the week to B&B, lucky girl. Hopefully I'll have a few pictures in a couple of days.