Friday, September 5, 2008

September is NUTS!

Yes, I know, lots of silence. September at UT is beyond crazy. I go home at night so tired I don't know which end is up.

But, I had to check in for a second because I'M TAKING A CLASS FROM AL JANELLE later this month! I can still hardly believe it! Al has been absent from the bead world for a while...I got to know him a bit the year I was publicity chair for the Austin Bead Society, and that's been - gee - I don't even remember how long! Anyway, thanks to Jim and Rose Berry's hospitable shop and attitude, Al's decided to teach again. It's an entire weekend of twisties (yes, I know that wouldn't excite everybody, but twisties are one of my favorite things in the whole world to make - I don't even always use them in beads!). Here's a pic:

And here's another goddess:

One of the things I love about this goddess is that the glass I used is called Heffalump (don't have a clue why) and that's one of the many nicknames we have for Daisy-dog.

Won't get to torch this weekend, have to work. A victim of my own success, my boss says....LOL So, TA training for UT Signature Courses.

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