Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Not too proud to admit it....

Okay, how sad is it that I'm updating - while I'm sitting in a class on Structural Equation Modeling! LOL Nothing like jumping back in in a wacko way.

I HAVE been contemplating getting back in the saddle, so to speak. I just got so busy - home, work, home, work, Tony, the girls, home, work...you get the idea. Judging from the last update, which was right before the Houston bead show, I was busting butt getting stuff ready for that, then there was the end-of-semester at work, and working on the house. A new floor - finally! - and I didn't have to do any of it! But, I was without a kitchen for 2 or 3 weeks. Gee, that was fun. Although I can't say it was all bad having the refrigerator in the living room.

Anyway, to those of you that have emailed or that I've seen at bead shows - YES - everything is fine. I think I just needed a break. Truthfully, I still need a break, but I guess I'm beginning to realize that I'm not gonna get one.

Class is resuming - I did post on a break - what! you thought I posted DURING class!? Gotta go.


Anonymous said...

I feel like the M&Ms when they saw Santa Claus. "She does exist!!"
Glad you're back.

Pamela Way said...

Good GRIEF you're quick! You're not stalking me, are you?