Monday, July 27, 2009

It's hot....(said with a whiny voice)

I did manage to get torch time this weekend, and whittle down the special order pile. Whew. Unfortunately, it’s just too hot to torch after about 3pm. Even with the AC running full blast, the house gets HOT. (And, I have NO IDEA how we’re going to pay our electric bill this month – if I set up a PayPal account, would y’all donate?) I’m absolutely a morning person, but as it’s the weekend, and I’m a work-a-day girl, I sometimes need to use Saturday mornings to run a couple of errands. It would be easier if stores opened at a reasonable hour – like 7am – instead of letting their employees sleep half the day and not open until 10! It takes the kiln about an hour to heat up once I’m home (I ramp it up pretty slowly, as it’s easier on the heat-thingy). Do the math – it might be noon before I get on the torch. I worked Saturdays AND Sundays when I was getting ready for the trunk show, but now I’m back to working on the house on Sundays. Someday I’d like to have a house that’s livable rather than craptastic, and that not-so-small feat is pretty much going to be up to me. I wish I had taken action when I was 30, not at the age I’m at now. Oh, well. They say that those who keep learning stay young, and I guess hanging and taping/floating sheetrock counts.

1 comment:

Anna Schafer said...

Someday I’d like to have a house that’s livable rather than craptastic, and that not-so-small feat is pretty much going to be up to me.Lej en pølsevogn