Friday, July 24, 2009

Professional Development....

Otherwise known as lampworking classes.....If you ever wonder about how I spend the money you so graciously put in my pocket when you buy beads or beadweaving tutorials….

In August, I’m taking a class with Kim Fields. I’ve taken a class with her before (would you believe she’s an Emmy winner?!) but it was on your standard flowers etc. stuff. This time she’s teaching sculptural birds. I don’t always see very well in 3 dimensions, so I’m hoping she’ll have some tips on that.

In September, a class with Holly Cooper . The class is being taught on a hothead, although I’ve asked Jim if I can opt for a minor (yes). The class will focus on stringer control (which I don’t need) and design (which I feel like I DO need). You can see from her website that she has an artist’s background AND eye, and I’ve long admired her beads. Can’t wait.

I think that’s it for this year. It would be nice to pick up a beadweaving class – I wonder why we don’t have more “names” in that arena come through Austin?

1 comment:

dana overstreet said...

uh, pam the 'names' would definitely include PAM!!!