Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big honkin' beads

I’ve been reorganizing/rearranging the bead room a bit. It’s just so hard to find space for beads, books about beads, a table to use to photograph beads….and what’s really ironic is that beads – even the “honkers” – are really little ol’ things. Can you imagine if my hobby was cars?

Here are pictures of the two biggest (I think) beads I own. The purple one (a whopping 3.25 inches long) is by Jennifer Geldard (to the best of my memory…) and the red/purple one (over 2 inches long and more than an inch wide) is by Michelle Waldren, who STILL doesn’t have a website, but does have an Etsy shop.

What's funny is that 3" really doesn't seem that long - but when you see a 3" long

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